Restaurants and Hotels
Humidity Control filters work in your cool rooms 24 hours a day/ 7 days per week with no employee time cost to your business.
Hotels and Restaurants benefit in the following areas
- 1. Energy savings
- 2. Reducing food wastage
- 3. Health and safety
- 4. Reduced maintenance
Significant savings can be made through energy savings and reduced wastage simply by using Humidity and temperature control filters with NO capital expenditure required by you. WE have invested so you don't have to
Refrigeration is one of the most critical elements of the food preparation chain, so it stands to reason that by improving your refrigerated environments through the use of natural and environmentally friendly filters, both you and your customers stand to gain. This usually leads to increased business for you.
What you will notice
Produce will remain fresher for longer - costly wastage reduced.
Fruit, vegetables, and herbs retain their freshness and crispness for significantly longer periods providing better quality, weight, and visual appearance for the consumer.
Meat, poultry and seafood products retain their natural juices providing juicier firmer cuts of meat.
Odours are significantly reduced, reducing the transfer of odours and the risk of cross-contamination.
Food Safety
Colder temperatures are consistently maintained.
Reduces odours, moisture and surface bacteria.
Excess moisture is all but eliminated from chiller surfaces, significantly reducing mould and bacterial growth risks.
Quicker recovery time after power failure.
Occupational Health and safety
Improves the workplace by providing a safer, drier, and cleaner refrigerated environment.
Temperature Control & Energy Efficiency
Reduces compressor re-cycle rates by up to 50%.
Reduces icing on compressor coils and enables defrost cycles to be reduced by up to 50%.
Improves temperature management by lowering temperatures and reducing temperature fluctuations.
Improves energy efficiency, reducing Coolroom run-times by up to 16 hours per week and power consumption by up to 20%.
Coolroom Maintenance
Reduces equipment stress by reducing recycle rates of compressors by up to 50%, proving savings in maintenance costs and increasing equipment life span.
Reduces icing on compressor coils.
Absorbs up to 99% of acetic acid gases, significantly reducing coil deterioration and increasing coil life expectancy. Acetic acid gases are mainly released into the chiller environment from sources such as vinaigrettes and cleaning chemicals.